Posted on :
16 Jul, 2018
16 Jul, 2018
Provide Learner with the required exposure to institutional learning and workplace experience that will enable them to obtain an Artisan qualification at level 3 – 4 as registered on the NQF, thus meeting the needs and requirements of the Anglo American Platinum “operations”. In addition it provides the relevant information needed to journey this qualification to help ensure that “on – and off the-job training” in apprenticeship is successful for all involved.
Closing Date: 18 July 2018
Location: Eastern Bushveld Regional Lab
Ref: 725288
Apprentices are required to adhere to all legislative requirements specified in the Learning agreement.
Responsibility to know what is involved in their trade, to learn and to apply their skills and to serve the employer’s productivity needs to the best of their ability.
Responsibility to take control of their training, to ask questions and seek answers.
Demonstrate ability and competence as per apprenticeship requirements within the scheduled duration of 3 years.
Apprenticeship programme trains and develops workers to meet industry standards for a given trade occupation.
Programs combine progressively challenging tasks, learned and practiced on-the-job and with classroom training.
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