Posted on :
9 Oct, 2018
9 Oct, 2018
Ipas SA is part of a global non-profit organization that works through local, national and global partnerships to ensure that women and girls have improved sexual and reproductive health and rights through enhanced access and use of safe abortion and contraceptive care.
Ipas believes in a world where every woman and girl has the right and ability to determine her own sexuality and reproductive health.
Ipas SA works with partners such as Departments of Health to increase women’s and girls’ access to safe, high quality abortion. The organization’s programs include work to strengthen health systems by training safe abortion providers and clinic staff.
Job Title: Provincial Reproductive Health Coordinators (PRHCs)(Consultancy Position)
Position Overview
The Provincial Reproductive Health Coordinators (PRHCs) shall assist and support the Senior Health System (HS) Advisor in the discharge of Strengthening Health System responsibilities. He/she will be based in a province where activities will be implemented (one in Gauteng and one in Limpopo). He/she will be under the direct supervision of the Senior Health System Advisor.
Duties shall include program administration, facility base line assessment, coordination of facility-based interventions, clinical mentoring, monitoring and evaluation and data collection and submission. The Provincial Reproductive Health Coordinators shall liaise with the Project Manager(PM) for contractual related matters e.g. adherence to time lines for reporting.
Key responsibilities
– Assisting providers in achieving and maintaining competence and resolving clinical issues
– Providing clinical support as much and as often as needed to ensure desired health service provider performance
– Prioritizing and addressing issues that prevent abortion care from being provided at all, then giving attention to issues that affect quality of care
– Focusing on issues the health service provider can resolve within his/her responsibilities and that are direct obstacles to service provision, rather than issues completely outside their sphere of influence that don’t impact service delivery
– Identifying necessary clinical and programmatic support needs and provide assistance when the clinical mentor has the knowledge and skills to do so
– Informing the Provider Support Team (facility and program managers, Ipas SA) of programmatic needs so that others on the team may assist when a clinical mentor is unable to provide complete support
– Engaging providers and other members of the facility’s staff in analysing and solving their own problems, thereby strengthening their capacity to resolve their own problems
– Documenting inputs, needs, communications and follow-up on the appropriate forms
– Reviewing documentation of prior inputs and following up on past problem areas to ensure problems have been resolved
Internal & External Stakeholders, Suppliers as well as Third Parties
General Terms
Ipas South Africa will provide
Ipas South Africa will pay the Provincial Reproductive Health Coordinator a gross amount subject to personnel tax upon submission of a report and achieving the desired outcomes. Payment of the consultancy fees will be effected after submission of an invoice, time sheet and an activity report, subject to approval by the Senior Health System Advisor and Program Manager.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of motivation and CV with 3 contactable references to: [email protected] by Friday 12 October 2018
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