Posted on :
13 Aug, 2018
13 Aug, 2018
Kuyasa learnership programme is open for application. The BANKSETA has implemented learning programmes targeting the unemployed youth. Do you want to step into the world of banking? Participate in a ONE year Learnership in the banking and microfinance sector and receive an
NQF5 Certificate in Management Development.
Kuyasa 2019 Bankseta Learnership Programme
Whilst a learnership does not guarantee permanent employment, the track record of absorption of learners on the Kuyasa programme, into the
sector, has been an impressive 75% – 85%.
Kuyasa Learnership
Successful completion of the Kuyasa programme results in the achievement of a NQF5 certificate in Management Development
There are no costs to you in applying for this learnership
Recruitment takes place 6 months in advance prior to the year the programme commences.
BANKSETA places advertisements in the national and regional newspapers, the BANKSETA website and Facebook page.
BANKSETA appoints a recruitment agency that provides the relevant application requirements on their website as well; the advert would have the relevant details.
The Letsema recruitments run annually from July to August.
Click Here to Kuyasa ONLINE Application form
Application Closing Date: Friday, August 31, 2018
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