Posted on :
6 Feb, 2019
6 Feb, 2019
Neighbourhood Old Age Homes (NOAH) is a nonprofit organisation in Woodstock and Khayelitsha that are exemplary models of accessible, affordable and first rate primary health care for 465 social pensioners. Each clinic has a focus on preventative and promotive health services including observations, doctors’ clinics, medication distribution and compliance oversight, advice, referrals and support services such as Physiotherapy, Podiatry and therapeutic massage.
Job Title: Health Manager
Job Location: Cape Town
Report to: Management and governing bodies
The purpose of the position is to manage the NOAH Health portfolio, including the two primary health care clinics, the assisted living home and the home-based care programme, as well as to provide strategic health oversight.
To apply, submit a cover letter motivating your application and a comprehensive CV to [email protected]
Application Deadline: 15th Feb, 2019
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