Posted on :
19 Sep, 2018
19 Sep, 2018
All ABB’s Young Talent Programmes are based on the 70:20:10 Model of Learning and Development which is based on three types of learning: Hands-on (70%), Asking questions (20%), Classroom (10%). We also understand that the world of work has changed and will continue to change. To keep with the pace and progress within the organization, you will need more than just Hard Skills (Technical), hence, during your time at ABB South Africa we will equip you with Soft Skills that will enable you to connect, create your identity and promote yourself in any working environment. In addition to formally learning about our products through our online Learning Management System and our face-to face classroom training (10%), you will spend most of your time working with our actual products and systems (70%), and also be exposed to industry experts and leaders who will be available to answer your questions and provide you with career guidance (20%). For the 2018 Intake, we are looking for Apprenticeships which forms part of a highly structured rotation metrics:
Electrical Engineering Apprenticeship:
In the first 6 months you will be learning about TESTING:
Closing Date: 28 September 2018
Lcoation: Modderfontein, Gauteng
You will learn about WIRING:
In the event you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, please consider your application unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful candidates will not be returned.
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