The South African Police Service invites applications from all races and gender for Enlistment in the Police Act. If you join the SAPS you can either become a police official or a civilian employee.
Are you young, energetic, intelligent, physically and mentally fit individuals, dedicated to serving their country by pursuing a career in policing?
Basic enlistment requirements:
Young South African men and women who apply to be appointed as a member in terms of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act no 68 of 1995) must:
- Apply in the form determined by the National Commissioner and affirm under oath or by way of a solemn declaration that the particulars furnished in the application, are the truth and correct;
- Be a South African citizen of which documentary proof must be furnished;
- Be at least eighteen (18) and under thirty (30) years of age of which documentary proof must be furnished;
- Be in possession of a Grade 12 school certificate or National Certificate (Vocational) Safety in Society of which documentary proof must be furnished (2014 matriculates are welcome to apply and before enlistment proof of successful completion of Grade 12 (Senior Certificate) must be submitted. As an interim arrangement kindly submit proof of last school report);
- Preference will be given to applicants who are in possession of at least a light vehicle drivers license;
- Submit himself or herself to a physical and medical examination as determined by the National Commissioner and must be found to be physically and mentally fit for appointment in the post for which he or she applies;
- Undergo a psychological assessment as determined by the National Commissioner and be found to comply with the profile of a police official;
- Proficient in at least two of the official languages, of which one must be English;
- Be prepared to take the oath of office;
- Be prepared to undergo such training as determined by the National Commissioner;
- Not have any tattoo marks of which will be visible when wearing the SAPS summer uniform;
- Have no previous criminal convictions and/or pending criminal, civil, disciplinary cases and such person shall allow his or her fingerprints to be taken and allow background inquiries to be made;
- Not have been declared unfit to possess a firearm and
- Be prepared to serve anywhere in the Republic.
All applicants will be subjected to a fitness, psychometric and integrity testing, as well as medical evaluation and, will be interviewed during the recruitment, selection, and enlistment process.
The SAPS will also verify the criminal record, qualifications, drivers license, citizenship and residential address of each applicant.
Provincial lists with vacant posts, closing date, addresses for submission of application forms and contact details
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